About ANHA
A Nappy Hair Affair (ANHA), promotes positive Images of people of African descent through support, affirmation and education. An important focus of ANHA is supporting the choice to wear African-inspired hairstyles, embracing our culture and setting our own standards of beauty.

A Nappy Hair Affair has always been about more than promoting natural hair. It has also been about celebrating our culture and identity as people of African descent.
But in today’s climate of profound racism and escalating acts of violence, brutality and other systemic threats to our very existence, it is imperative that A Nappy Hair Affair, do more than simply celebrate our culture. We must play a more active role in preserving it.
Moving forward, A Nappy Hair Affair will become an unapologetic platform for Black activism, or Naptivism as I prefer to identify our mission of support and resistance. We support the preservation of Black lives, and will do our part in advocating for our re-education, unification, self-determination and the health and wellness of our community. We recognize that our survival depends on working together the way we inherently know how.
Our first expression of “naptivism” will manifest on Saturday, June 2, during our Roots Reunion; 20th Anniversary, A Nappy Hair Affair event in Dallas. In the midst of our celebration, we will be set up for voter registration. Making a difference in upcoming elections is very necessary.

Linda "Mosetta" Jones ANHA Founder
Linda Jones is a journalist who has written extensively about the sensitive and provocative issue of hair in the African American community. In her writing she has used the topic to raise awareness about cultural diversity and to promote self-appreciation.
In response to concerns expressed by friends who wore natural and African-inspired hairstyles and struggled with challenges of acceptance and finding stylists knowledgeable about natural hair, Linda organized grass-roots hair grooming sessions that became known as Hair Days. One of the Hair Day regulars dubbed her “Mosetta” as in female Moses for fostering a feeling of ‘freedom’ from hair bondage and negative self-perceptions.
A former staff writer for the Dallas Morning News, Linda broke the story about master braider Isis Brantley’s battle with the Texas State Cosmetology Commission over licensing issues. The matter drew national attention and sparked passionate debate over whether the African art form of hair braiding should be regulated by the state. The controversy and coverage resulted in the commission’s drastic reduction of state licensing requirements for braiders. Texas now has among the lowest licensing requirements for those who want to earn a living by caring for natural hair.
Linda is author of “Nappyisms: Affirmations for Nappy-Headed People and Wannabes!” An essay from her book is featured in Chicken Soup for the African American Woman's Soul and in “Tenderheaded: A Comb Bending Collection of Hair Stories." Although she spent her professional career as a 'word stylist', Linda also holds a license from the state of Texas to style natural hair.
Linda also provides professional writing and consulting services through her company, The Writing Doula.